Monday, May 15, 2006

quarter elven?

I'm thinking of changing the site title to 'rose tinted speco's only'. but i mean isnt that kind of obvious when it says quarterelven. and by the way.. its quarter elven, as in elves.. not eleven! everything on this site is to be read, and not assumed. so i'm not going to be writing stuff that people will have to guess at what the meaning behind the whole thing is... well on the other hand, i think that might be the case most of the time!
anyway, getting back to the subject... why am i quarterelven, well for that u have to understand what elves are. i would sum them up as mythical ethereal creatures that are pure and beautiful in nature.... actually come to think of it, i dont think i want to explain the reasoning behind the name. that would just spoil the whole...idea. i suppose if you read stuff that i write long enough, or know me - very well - u might figure it out.
hmm.. i just realised that right after saying i would not leave too much to guess at, i start of with the vaguest possible thing!! and actually i think thats the way it should stay. isnt it a whole lot better? after all this is a site for my imagination to go crazy. ok so i take back what i said at the begining, so go ahead assume what u would like (maybe u might be better off -if in doubt to confirm it). its just, one needs a good balance of both, dont u think. for instance, dont u just hate poetry that is way too vague? its soo vague, n in the end it leaves you kind of blank. but poetry that subtly describes, while leaving space for your imagination is just amazing. like building a house while letting you do the decorating. dont u just love it?
however have to warn u, some of my posts will have to be ignored, thats coz they'll be mindless babblings or me just trying to let off steam. after all u might be able to take a guess at a quarter of me, but that leaves another 3/4th which has not been... defined. i suppose at the end of this... u'v noticed, that i'v basically not said ... anything .. about why i'm quarter elven. lol!


  1. so remind me why are you quarter elven again?? cuz you describe them as pure and beautiful... beautiful you maybe able to argue but pure...hmmm that's gonna be a tough one to prove...

    as for being vague,you have a point, but then again we live in a postmodern world can you expect anything but vague?

  2. hallo?? i might really have to reconsider naming my site 'for rose tinted speco's only!!" seriously, are u trying to knock them off? mind u, ur not doing too great a job at that! :D
    well.. let me see.. why are i quarterelven? like i said... i'm leaving that open for imagination. please feel free :)
    and my description of them was mythical ethereal creatures who are pure and beautiful in nature. i.e thats like in character. so... i understand how pure people can be beautiful, but beautiful people need not be pure.. but when u say beautiful in nature... wouldnt that also mean that beautiful people would also be pure?
    again.. open to your interpretation. and again.. like i said.. i'm just a quarter... so from the 4 characters that i mentioned, among all the others that i didnt mention about elves, only a quarter would apply to my self. or maybe all characters... but in a lesser intensity?
    :) i'm enjoying this... being vague is fun!

    By the way, whats a post modern world? and why should it be expected to be vague?

  3. p.s i forgot to add that in the end.. i just described elves, and never really compared myself to them. i backed out of that one just in time! so yeah.. again... its up to u to fingure out what u would like it to mean. about me. about this site. about what i write. :D

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