Friday, May 19, 2006

Change anyone?

What do u think about people who all of a sudden change?.. turn over a new leaf… turn their lives upside down, themselves inside out.. whatever. U get the picture right? Yeah.. so what do u think? Scary isn’t it. Kind of makes u feel like, ‘hey, did I really know that person’! and this of course is apart from the fact that u’r thinking, “holy mother of god!!!!!!! when did this happen???????? and just when u think u know someone.....tsk tsk tsk...”
And I’m not just talking about some tomboyish girl wanting to wear a skirt – not implicating anybody here :D I’m talking about people just turning their life around some guy/ girl or the new ‘hep/nerd’ friends, or society/ club they joined, or the new job they got.
Do u think it could be the heat?
Actually to be truthful… change is kinda good. I know its cliché but it is after all the only constant thing in life. So how do we handle it. I for example am really bad at it. I love my routine, everything’s timed and planned, and I rarely stray from it, and only… kicking and screaming. I like to know what’s in store, what to expect, where to go, what to do, i like stability - for example i really cant do much travelling around, a small stint and i need to get back to my haven… plus i need sometime to myself, to think and ponder about stuff, and basically time to myself to recharge myself.
I don’t like the uneasiness or queasiness of uncertainty. It unnerves me. I suppose in essence I change and grow (I’m really big on growth..!) but I suppose in essence I’m still the same little naïve wide eyed kid I used to be. People will tell u that half the time I have this dazed look on my face… I think that’s coz if I’m in my routine… theres not need for me to concentrate, and there are so many fantastic places to go (in my mind).
I’m a bit of a dreamer I suppose…

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