Friday, May 19, 2006

Change anyone?

What do u think about people who all of a sudden change?.. turn over a new leaf… turn their lives upside down, themselves inside out.. whatever. U get the picture right? Yeah.. so what do u think? Scary isn’t it. Kind of makes u feel like, ‘hey, did I really know that person’! and this of course is apart from the fact that u’r thinking, “holy mother of god!!!!!!! when did this happen???????? and just when u think u know someone.....tsk tsk tsk...”
And I’m not just talking about some tomboyish girl wanting to wear a skirt – not implicating anybody here :D I’m talking about people just turning their life around some guy/ girl or the new ‘hep/nerd’ friends, or society/ club they joined, or the new job they got.
Do u think it could be the heat?
Actually to be truthful… change is kinda good. I know its cliché but it is after all the only constant thing in life. So how do we handle it. I for example am really bad at it. I love my routine, everything’s timed and planned, and I rarely stray from it, and only… kicking and screaming. I like to know what’s in store, what to expect, where to go, what to do, i like stability - for example i really cant do much travelling around, a small stint and i need to get back to my haven… plus i need sometime to myself, to think and ponder about stuff, and basically time to myself to recharge myself.
I don’t like the uneasiness or queasiness of uncertainty. It unnerves me. I suppose in essence I change and grow (I’m really big on growth..!) but I suppose in essence I’m still the same little naïve wide eyed kid I used to be. People will tell u that half the time I have this dazed look on my face… I think that’s coz if I’m in my routine… theres not need for me to concentrate, and there are so many fantastic places to go (in my mind).
I’m a bit of a dreamer I suppose…

Apples and Wine...

a little tired of the seroius melodramatic stuff... time to chill .. eh?
for all the women out there... check the one below!

Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead they sometimes take the apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. The apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they are amazing. They justhave to wait for the right man to come along, the one brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.

Now Men.......Men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the shit out of them until they turn into something acceptable...


dont apples also get stomped on to make cinder?


Life is a journey...

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave
with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body,
but rather to skid in sideways,
chocolate in one hand, wine in the other,
body thoroughly totally worn out
and screaming
"WOO HOO what a ride!"
- eh.. i dont know who.

but this ones courtesy me! hee hee.. only one more to go!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace”

- John Lennon and Yoko Ono

p.s again courtesy 'storehouse' Abubuo
"We shall have to repent in this generation not so much for the evil deeds of the wicked people but for the appalling silence of the good people"
- Martin Luther King Jr

courtesy ababuo... who i dont know how, remembers stuff like this! this is a spill off of the previous post, but i wanted to up this up, so it stands out. ooo i also like the thing she said about the whole - imagine a world without countries, boundaries and all other differences. ok.. so i cant remember stuff... if you want u can check it out on thiriyayas spot.
what is it about my memory... its highly amusing. not to remember stuff, just snatches of it. really. wont be so amusing if i end up with alzheimers.
ok depressing. not going to say much now.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

the only way for evil to succeed...

Have you ever heard the quote about the only way for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing. thats not exactly it, but thats the jist of it. i dont know how true that is... maybe it is. i certainly know that i do that. keep quiet that is. it might have something to do with the 'culture of silence' that perpetuates here, or it might have something to do with not wanting to entangle your self in a mess.
well ok, let me not not be so vague, let me talk about myself atleast. the issue thats floating in the air in the above para is about the conflict thats on the verge of breaking out now. i know about it, i read stuff about it, i have my own ideas and opinions about it.. but i never express it. why? well there are a number of reasons... firstly, i dont know everything thats happening, so should i be vocal about my half baked ideas? then, i'm singhalese and concsious of it and the fact that since we are majority, my ideas will be considered biased and prejudiced. i will always be considered on the one side of the fence by both parties. then there is the whole 'theres not much i can do' syndrome where you feel like ur opinions willnot do much but gather dust and criticism. so why bother. and finally there is the lets not trouble trouble till it troubles you. well.. o yeah.. one more.. by nature i dont feel obliged to bombard my sanity with facts about how the world is collapsing around my feet. Damn u Ababuo!!! u win this round.. i seem to have lost my specs... !
anyway back to the subject, i suppose thats the reasoning behind alot of people keeping quiet on either side. good people. who dont unite. and demand peace. what do we know right?
but then theres that quote staring back at me... the only way for evil to succeed... is for people like you and me to not keep quiet.
o wow. thats quite huge isnt it. but feasible. and necessary. better than idiot politicians having there say.
but how? and in a meaningful manner?
yesterdays news covered a topic on how Sri Lankans (thats everyone ok) in UK protesting against the BBC for taking an biased view of the brewing conflict. Now thats effective isnt it. Maybe it might do something- create awarenss atleast about the LTTE propoganda, which i feel is exactly that.
i think that since i touched upon this subject maybe i should state that i try to be unbiased, multi ethnic, and non sectarian, and u can help me be so by showing me differnt perspectives. my friends (which is the only circle i can chose) are not limited to any religion or an ethnic group. so leave your own prejudices and biases when u step thru my portal.
more on this topic later... slowly. its a little too much for my senses.. and i seem to have found my glasses!

Monday, May 15, 2006

quarter elven?

I'm thinking of changing the site title to 'rose tinted speco's only'. but i mean isnt that kind of obvious when it says quarterelven. and by the way.. its quarter elven, as in elves.. not eleven! everything on this site is to be read, and not assumed. so i'm not going to be writing stuff that people will have to guess at what the meaning behind the whole thing is... well on the other hand, i think that might be the case most of the time!
anyway, getting back to the subject... why am i quarterelven, well for that u have to understand what elves are. i would sum them up as mythical ethereal creatures that are pure and beautiful in nature.... actually come to think of it, i dont think i want to explain the reasoning behind the name. that would just spoil the whole...idea. i suppose if you read stuff that i write long enough, or know me - very well - u might figure it out.
hmm.. i just realised that right after saying i would not leave too much to guess at, i start of with the vaguest possible thing!! and actually i think thats the way it should stay. isnt it a whole lot better? after all this is a site for my imagination to go crazy. ok so i take back what i said at the begining, so go ahead assume what u would like (maybe u might be better off -if in doubt to confirm it). its just, one needs a good balance of both, dont u think. for instance, dont u just hate poetry that is way too vague? its soo vague, n in the end it leaves you kind of blank. but poetry that subtly describes, while leaving space for your imagination is just amazing. like building a house while letting you do the decorating. dont u just love it?
however have to warn u, some of my posts will have to be ignored, thats coz they'll be mindless babblings or me just trying to let off steam. after all u might be able to take a guess at a quarter of me, but that leaves another 3/4th which has not been... defined. i suppose at the end of this... u'v noticed, that i'v basically not said ... anything .. about why i'm quarter elven. lol!

Friday, May 05, 2006

In this sunny isle of mine...

in this sunny isle of mine, our government is kind enough to bestore upon us as many holidays as we can handle. and thats just a glorious thing.. for one thing.. when its too hot, the temperature tends to dull your brain and make you are lethargic. so what do you not feel like doing then? work. definietely. i mean in some arab countries, when the temperature crosses 40 or 50c they stop work. anyway.. that not really the reason we get so much holidays - its actually to do with the fact that this is such a beautiful isle.. so who would want to be stuck in some concrete structure working!?!? so yeah.. they let us all out to go enjoy the sun sand and sea. well.. ok.. so probably not, but that should be a valid reason. maybe it has more to do witht he fact that the basic islander does not get enough vacation.. i mean we get only 14 days.. and our income earning ability is low.. so we cant really afford a 30day holiday.. so we get 14, and the rest distributed through out the year, and this way we get to run off on short trips all over the isle! isnt it wonderful?

anyway.. i wanted to start writing about 2 things... one is to do with me being quarter elven.. and the other is on a trip i recently went on. which shall i talk about? ... ... ...

next time. shall do. its too beautiful outside to be typing away.