Tuesday, August 15, 2006

International standards of reporting Vs responsible reporting

well everything seems to be happening here now... too much for anyone's liking. the most recent being yesterdays bombing (2 claymore mines) in Colombo (Green path road just before the liberty roundabout) targeting the Pakistani high commissioner returning from a Pakistan day celebration. he survived with some damages to his vehicle but SL security forces in his convoy died totalling 7. its getting tougher and tougher here. latest release by the tigers claim that they will target civilians in Colombo if the govt does not stop its attacks. schools are now closed for 2 weeks further to retaliation of a bombing of a 'possible' LTTE training camp. LTTE claim that school students had been having a 2 day first aid camp, while govt maintains that it was a training camp, and that the LTTE must have moved in some of its child soldiers prior to the attack.
well we do know that the LTTE have child soldiers in their thousands. and they do have to be trained somewhere. was this something like that? if it really was a firstaid camp - who was conducting it? ICRC/UNO? who? who were the supervising adults? whats the conflicting stories about an orphanage vs childrens firstaid camp.. questions to ponder i suppose

the aid worker story is controversial at best. as per the best knowledge available LTTE retreated on friday late night, while govt pulled in early morning sat. its difficult to say if they had been killed before or aft either movement. independent investigations are being carried out.
- no one can out rightly carry a story claiming one side did it.

what really irks me about all this is the highly biased international 'reporting' or propaganda that takes place. i mean look at this story in the 'The Independent'... "Srilanka accused of killing civilians and aid workers" !!! comeon. the headlines are sensational and misleading! of course it says accused - but that's not the impression given and the story itself is highly biased, with facts about the govt being sieved out to make it appear like this is solely the govt responsibility. even stations like BBC are ridiculous reporting agencies that cannot be trusted to report the news. today their main headline is the closure of the local schools, while the Pak ambassador bombing story is sidelined to a para within this story. and i need not add that the content in the story is also highly biased. same in the Independent. what is with these British newspapers?

i can understand local reporting being biased, but its disgusting that the 'international' media cannot undertake responsible reporting - their standards are simply ridiculous. i'v written to the bbc, but they wont print my comments! ha ha ha!

alot more triangulation of info is now needed if we are to be able to sift out the real news. the local stations should be able to give better details than the international ones, and since u no that they are biased u can factor it in.

anyway, pardon my emotions getting the best of me - its just wrong what is happening - reporters (ranked before lawyers in my mind!) feeding each others weaknesses and emotions, twisting everything up to make the most sensational story - and in turn jeopardising chances this (or any) country has of solving its problems...